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【中国文化 影响世界】——国际书画名家陈岳专访






"We need to do something new in the new era. Standing at the new starting point and the forefront of China's international communication in the new era, we should not forget our original intention, keep in mind our mission, continue to open up a new situation for foreign publicity, strive to write a magnificent chapter of China's story in the new era, and continue to write a new brilliance for improving the international influence of Chinese culture. " Xi Jinping language

In order to further expand the influence of Chinese brand culture in the world and realize the social and economic value of artworks to a greater extent, Mr. Chen Yue, an artist of both virtue and art, is specially selected to take the new works as the leading figure of Chinese cultural brand on the international stage and lead the new era and fashion!


Chen Yue, green lake, Lingnan drunk guest, green lake resident, Longchuan County, Guangdong Province. Famous Chinese calligrapher, powerful calligrapher, Jiuding artist and consultant of China International Art Association were selected into the national talent pool. He was awarded the title of "Gold Award artist" by China International Modern Art Research Center and "famous contemporary calligrapher". At the same time, he is a senior researcher of China International Modern Art Research Center and a Postgraduate Tutor of Oxford art college, UK. In 2018 and 2019, they were included in the "people's representative newspaper" during the two sessions for two consecutive years, and gave speeches for the two sessions. In 2019, Mr. Chen Yue's works were selected as the national treasure of "the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China Military Parade" (only 100 sets are limited nationwide), and were selected into the special issue of the military parade and awarded the medal of honor.


博涉诸体修碑帖 笔墨心诀谙品格——记著名书法家陈岳



Writing inscriptions, calligraphy, heart code and character -- On Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher

Sun Guoting wrote the book manual and felt that he had learned the book at the age of 15, which was a later regret. Mr. Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher of the present age, has no such regret, because he began to learn calligraphy at the age of eight. He was gifted with talent and early realized the inscription. Although his family was poor, he was able to work hard in the cold and summer. After dozens of spring and Autumn period, he became a confidant of calligraphy inscription. He was also a great writer who passed on the charm of Wei and Jin Dynasties, cultivated himself into a grand ceremony of Tang Dynasty and built up the style of Song Dynasty!

His calligraphy brush is full of pleasure and power. It is held in the pen tube. It is as strong as a sword. It is as powerful as walking around the world. It is full of extreme visual tension. The source of this visual tension of calligraphy is very valuable and also very rare, because it requires a refined and deep understanding of stelology. His calligraphy starts from the depiction of the red Wei stele, the twenty dragon's gate products, one by one, all of which are lost, heart chasing hand approaching, and finally gain strength! He integrates the wonders, differences, Qi, potential, movement and shape of the Wei stele into his calligraphy feelings. He not only understands the ten beauty shaping methods of the Wei stele, but also devotes himself to the stele learning as the eternal spread of the dragon vein of calligraphy. Therefore, writing is not only like holding iron, iron cone, sand, muscle and bone, but also style! Calligraphy according to this style and vertical and horizontal paper, is bound to kill paper in the air, autumn hawk chasing rabbit happy!




The quality of calligraphy originates from the strength of the stele, which is not the unique of Mr. Chen Yue, but the common character of all the calligraphers in the past dynasties. Wang Xizhi, the sage of calligraphy, drove a leaf by a boat and crossed the river to the north, looking for the spirit of Stele Study. He visited Qifeng temple in northern China and observed the ancient steles and sighed: when he was young, he studied with Mrs. Wei and was confined to one family. He didn't know that the steles were far-reaching, so he abandoned Yuer! Therefore, it opened a wonderful way to learn and cultivate calligraphy. In the Tang Dynasty, Ouyang Xun rode a horse and met the inscription. He was shocked by the inscription of suojing. He stayed in front of the tablet for three days and did not sleep or eat. It can be seen that the charm of stelology is endless. Contemporary Chen Yue is still an authentic scholar of stele learning, so his calligraphy is a vigorous way of stele learning culture. He traverses famous mountains and rivers, places of interest, looks up to the cliff stele forest, and even opens his mind and vision, takes the style of stele learning, and writes the spirit of the millennium. Calligraphy is eye-catching and moving according to the spirit and spirit. The orthodox atmosphere of traditional calligraphy has been written as culture by contemporary celebrities Wonderful, so his calligraphy has become the benchmark of domestic and international tripod, with authentic taste of cultural soft power!

His calligraphy is not only based on the ancient method, but also on the contemporary masters. In the process of learning from the past and changing from the present, it has always been the low-key dedication of the scholars. The calligraphy skill is profound. It is composed of five parts: upright, grass, Li, Kai and Xing. It's nothing to publicize, but I'm virtuous. Calligraphy is the nature and nature of a tourist. He is indifferent to fame and wealth, and can be quiet and far away. Therefore, to watch his running script or cursive writing is often a realm of great strength and long sword. It has the heroic quality of the scholar's writing style, and it also has the emptiness and elegance of Zen style and rhyme. It is really a philosophical experience of combining hardness with softness and caring for reality!


博涉诸体修碑帖,笔墨心诀谙品格。这么一位功建卓越的书法大家,始终坚持不个展、不立传、不参赛、不参会的身修格调,把书法当成文化修养的平台去体验,绝不把书法当成博功掘利的手段去放纵,这样的书法家才是真正的书法家!德行高远,虽居山野亦得闻名。雅士风度,虽是大隐亦成榜样,所以中央电视台、中视网、华人频道、新华社、新华网这些主流机构,纷纷推介这位技修娴熟,德修崇高的书法家,让人们感念到书如其人儒雅气度!书法大家名扬八面的核心动力,无一例外,都是这般德艺双修的人格非凡! (著名艺术评论家 杨振明)

It involves all kinds of body to build inscriptions and calligraphy heart rhyme to master character. Such a calligrapher who has made great contributions to the construction of calligraphy always adheres to the style of self-cultivation without individual exhibition, biography, participation or participation. He takes calligraphy as a platform for cultural cultivation to experience and never indulges in it as a means of making contributions and profits. Such a calligrapher is the real calligrapher! He is famous for his lofty virtue. Elegant demeanor, although it is a big hidden also become an example, so CCTV, CCTV, Chinese channel, Xinhua news agency, Xinhua network, these mainstream institutions, have introduced this skilled, virtuous and noble calligrapher, let people feel the book as elegant demeanor! Calligraphy everyone is famous for the core power of eight aspects, without exception, is such a moral and artistic double cultivation of extraordinary personality (Yang Zhenming, a famous art critic)


诸书皆成疾笔生风雨 翰墨扛鼎实力成英豪——记著名书法家陈岳



All the books become a disease, the writing becomes a storm, the calligraphy becomes a great power -- On Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher

All the books are usually polite to a calligrapher, but all the books are not polite to Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher. They are not only his great accomplishments, but also his persistent pursuit. On the way of calligraphy cultivation, Chen Yue's calligraphy is based on his learning from the ancient times, with the creation as his work, with the Dharma of Tang Kai, the freedom of the two kings, exploring the source of the two seal characters of gold and stone, and realizing the wisdom of Zhang Xu. He has become a great calligraphy art brush that draws on the work of various families and casts the style of a family. He has made great achievements in the field of calligraphy and demonstrated his heroic temperament according to the strength of the tripod.

When you watch Chen Yue's calligraphy, you will have a very good impression on his calligraphy, whether you are in a family or not. His calligraphy is extremely skillful in technique, so he can use the pen quickly, and the ink falls like wind and rain. When looking at his works, it seems that he can hear the natural way of wind and rain, and there is often an unexpected trend of brush posture, which reaches vertically and turns around, thus causing the surprise of the appearance.




As a person, Chen Yue's calligraphy can reach the top and touch the base. His temperament is very obvious. He must be a forthright person who is good at using a quick pen to drive ink. Forthright is bound to be extremely fond of running script and cursive script, which express the emotion most wantonly and fully. His cursive script is extremely free, but he abides by the law, the authentic atmosphere, and at a glance. It's a rule to cultivate in Zhangcao. The shape of modern grass is simple and rapid. Then, he created the wild grass, combined with his temperament and mood. His writing and ink are full of great spirit and charm. His artistic conception is like a dragon flying in the clouds, and his temperament is like a gentleman dancing a sword.

Experience the ultimate power of Chen Yue's books. Of course, you can't avoid the great success of walking on grass, creating brilliance and adding color to the heaven and earth. He can make use of his strength to become the skill of running grass, to catch up with the second king, to follow huaisu on his shoulder, and to express his ideas with calligraphy. His calligraphy insights are concise and profound. His strokes naturally emit courage and wisdom, with distinct intention and obvious theme.




Chen Yue's calligraphy skill embodies the real skill and temperament of a real calligrapher. He turns calligraphy skill into intangible experience. Writing calligraphy with a pen is also generating ink with his heart. He integrates all kinds of forms and feelings of mind into one, which is embodied in the ink. With the flexible and elegant lines, he directly collides with the thinking consciousness, showing the profound knowledge and the fire light of sensitivity. In the process of learning from the ancient times, he constantly used his real creativity to build a new framework and connotation for the aesthetic feeling of the calligraphy art in the era, and became a great model leading the new style of calligraphy.

All the books are full of wind and rain, and the strength of calligraphy is the same as that of heroes. It is inseparable from Chen Yue's calligraphy determination and talent to be able to achieve the power of carrying tripod in the forest of calligraphy art. The so-called fixed force is that the current book style is impetuous, there are many opportunists, and the book style is changeable and strange and popular. However, Chen Yue, who was not influenced by the custom, insisted on learning the old method and promoting the new one with the old method, and became one of the calligraphers who focused on the high ancient artistic conception of calligraphy.


所谓才力,他对碑帖有着天然能悟的艺术自然才华,属笔墨天才一派,嗜书法如命,凝神稍思可解帖学碑道,从甲骨到金石,真草隶篆收尽眼底,悉成心念,天才之功,让他的书法修炼能循法而成法外法,所以在高古笔质下,笔法总是纵横如舞变化万端的莫测,造奇显生动,依拙度机巧,字字险绝撼人,又平实而归,放纵与规矩并行,大势与精微成扣,古今往来,尽得师古而成新,大家之功,笔笔见实力! (著名书画评论家 史振华 )

The so-called talent, he has a natural understanding of the art of inscriptions and natural talent. He belongs to the group of pen and ink talents. He likes calligraphy as his life. He can study inscriptions and inscriptions with a little thought. From oracle bone to gold stone, he can see all the real grass, Li and Zhuan characters, and learn the skill of mind and genius. His calligraphy practice can follow the method and become the external method. Therefore, under the quality of Gao Gu's brush, the strokes are always unpredictable and unpredictable It's very vivid. It's ingenious according to its clumsiness. It's extremely dangerous. It's also plain and simple. It's indulgent and regular. It's powerful and subtle. It's ancient and modern. It's a new way to learn from the past. Everyone's skill and strength can be seen in writing (Shi Zhenhua, a famous critic of calligraphy and painting)












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【中国文化 影响世界】——国际书画名家陈岳专访






"We need to do something new in the new era. Standing at the new starting point and the forefront of China's international communication in the new era, we should not forget our original intention, keep in mind our mission, continue to open up a new situation for foreign publicity, strive to write a magnificent chapter of China's story in the new era, and continue to write a new brilliance for improving the international influence of Chinese culture. " Xi Jinping language

In order to further expand the influence of Chinese brand culture in the world and realize the social and economic value of artworks to a greater extent, Mr. Chen Yue, an artist of both virtue and art, is specially selected to take the new works as the leading figure of Chinese cultural brand on the international stage and lead the new era and fashion!


Chen Yue, green lake, Lingnan drunk guest, green lake resident, Longchuan County, Guangdong Province. Famous Chinese calligrapher, powerful calligrapher, Jiuding artist and consultant of China International Art Association were selected into the national talent pool. He was awarded the title of "Gold Award artist" by China International Modern Art Research Center and "famous contemporary calligrapher". At the same time, he is a senior researcher of China International Modern Art Research Center and a Postgraduate Tutor of Oxford art college, UK. In 2018 and 2019, they were included in the "people's representative newspaper" during the two sessions for two consecutive years, and gave speeches for the two sessions. In 2019, Mr. Chen Yue's works were selected as the national treasure of "the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China Military Parade" (only 100 sets are limited nationwide), and were selected into the special issue of the military parade and awarded the medal of honor.


博涉诸体修碑帖 笔墨心诀谙品格——记著名书法家陈岳



Writing inscriptions, calligraphy, heart code and character -- On Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher

Sun Guoting wrote the book manual and felt that he had learned the book at the age of 15, which was a later regret. Mr. Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher of the present age, has no such regret, because he began to learn calligraphy at the age of eight. He was gifted with talent and early realized the inscription. Although his family was poor, he was able to work hard in the cold and summer. After dozens of spring and Autumn period, he became a confidant of calligraphy inscription. He was also a great writer who passed on the charm of Wei and Jin Dynasties, cultivated himself into a grand ceremony of Tang Dynasty and built up the style of Song Dynasty!

His calligraphy brush is full of pleasure and power. It is held in the pen tube. It is as strong as a sword. It is as powerful as walking around the world. It is full of extreme visual tension. The source of this visual tension of calligraphy is very valuable and also very rare, because it requires a refined and deep understanding of stelology. His calligraphy starts from the depiction of the red Wei stele, the twenty dragon's gate products, one by one, all of which are lost, heart chasing hand approaching, and finally gain strength! He integrates the wonders, differences, Qi, potential, movement and shape of the Wei stele into his calligraphy feelings. He not only understands the ten beauty shaping methods of the Wei stele, but also devotes himself to the stele learning as the eternal spread of the dragon vein of calligraphy. Therefore, writing is not only like holding iron, iron cone, sand, muscle and bone, but also style! Calligraphy according to this style and vertical and horizontal paper, is bound to kill paper in the air, autumn hawk chasing rabbit happy!




The quality of calligraphy originates from the strength of the stele, which is not the unique of Mr. Chen Yue, but the common character of all the calligraphers in the past dynasties. Wang Xizhi, the sage of calligraphy, drove a leaf by a boat and crossed the river to the north, looking for the spirit of Stele Study. He visited Qifeng temple in northern China and observed the ancient steles and sighed: when he was young, he studied with Mrs. Wei and was confined to one family. He didn't know that the steles were far-reaching, so he abandoned Yuer! Therefore, it opened a wonderful way to learn and cultivate calligraphy. In the Tang Dynasty, Ouyang Xun rode a horse and met the inscription. He was shocked by the inscription of suojing. He stayed in front of the tablet for three days and did not sleep or eat. It can be seen that the charm of stelology is endless. Contemporary Chen Yue is still an authentic scholar of stele learning, so his calligraphy is a vigorous way of stele learning culture. He traverses famous mountains and rivers, places of interest, looks up to the cliff stele forest, and even opens his mind and vision, takes the style of stele learning, and writes the spirit of the millennium. Calligraphy is eye-catching and moving according to the spirit and spirit. The orthodox atmosphere of traditional calligraphy has been written as culture by contemporary celebrities Wonderful, so his calligraphy has become the benchmark of domestic and international tripod, with authentic taste of cultural soft power!

His calligraphy is not only based on the ancient method, but also on the contemporary masters. In the process of learning from the past and changing from the present, it has always been the low-key dedication of the scholars. The calligraphy skill is profound. It is composed of five parts: upright, grass, Li, Kai and Xing. It's nothing to publicize, but I'm virtuous. Calligraphy is the nature and nature of a tourist. He is indifferent to fame and wealth, and can be quiet and far away. Therefore, to watch his running script or cursive writing is often a realm of great strength and long sword. It has the heroic quality of the scholar's writing style, and it also has the emptiness and elegance of Zen style and rhyme. It is really a philosophical experience of combining hardness with softness and caring for reality!


博涉诸体修碑帖,笔墨心诀谙品格。这么一位功建卓越的书法大家,始终坚持不个展、不立传、不参赛、不参会的身修格调,把书法当成文化修养的平台去体验,绝不把书法当成博功掘利的手段去放纵,这样的书法家才是真正的书法家!德行高远,虽居山野亦得闻名。雅士风度,虽是大隐亦成榜样,所以中央电视台、中视网、华人频道、新华社、新华网这些主流机构,纷纷推介这位技修娴熟,德修崇高的书法家,让人们感念到书如其人儒雅气度!书法大家名扬八面的核心动力,无一例外,都是这般德艺双修的人格非凡! (著名艺术评论家 杨振明)

It involves all kinds of body to build inscriptions and calligraphy heart rhyme to master character. Such a calligrapher who has made great contributions to the construction of calligraphy always adheres to the style of self-cultivation without individual exhibition, biography, participation or participation. He takes calligraphy as a platform for cultural cultivation to experience and never indulges in it as a means of making contributions and profits. Such a calligrapher is the real calligrapher! He is famous for his lofty virtue. Elegant demeanor, although it is a big hidden also become an example, so CCTV, CCTV, Chinese channel, Xinhua news agency, Xinhua network, these mainstream institutions, have introduced this skilled, virtuous and noble calligrapher, let people feel the book as elegant demeanor! Calligraphy everyone is famous for the core power of eight aspects, without exception, is such a moral and artistic double cultivation of extraordinary personality (Yang Zhenming, a famous art critic)


诸书皆成疾笔生风雨 翰墨扛鼎实力成英豪——记著名书法家陈岳



All the books become a disease, the writing becomes a storm, the calligraphy becomes a great power -- On Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher

All the books are usually polite to a calligrapher, but all the books are not polite to Chen Yue, a famous calligrapher. They are not only his great accomplishments, but also his persistent pursuit. On the way of calligraphy cultivation, Chen Yue's calligraphy is based on his learning from the ancient times, with the creation as his work, with the Dharma of Tang Kai, the freedom of the two kings, exploring the source of the two seal characters of gold and stone, and realizing the wisdom of Zhang Xu. He has become a great calligraphy art brush that draws on the work of various families and casts the style of a family. He has made great achievements in the field of calligraphy and demonstrated his heroic temperament according to the strength of the tripod.

When you watch Chen Yue's calligraphy, you will have a very good impression on his calligraphy, whether you are in a family or not. His calligraphy is extremely skillful in technique, so he can use the pen quickly, and the ink falls like wind and rain. When looking at his works, it seems that he can hear the natural way of wind and rain, and there is often an unexpected trend of brush posture, which reaches vertically and turns around, thus causing the surprise of the appearance.




As a person, Chen Yue's calligraphy can reach the top and touch the base. His temperament is very obvious. He must be a forthright person who is good at using a quick pen to drive ink. Forthright is bound to be extremely fond of running script and cursive script, which express the emotion most wantonly and fully. His cursive script is extremely free, but he abides by the law, the authentic atmosphere, and at a glance. It's a rule to cultivate in Zhangcao. The shape of modern grass is simple and rapid. Then, he created the wild grass, combined with his temperament and mood. His writing and ink are full of great spirit and charm. His artistic conception is like a dragon flying in the clouds, and his temperament is like a gentleman dancing a sword.

Experience the ultimate power of Chen Yue's books. Of course, you can't avoid the great success of walking on grass, creating brilliance and adding color to the heaven and earth. He can make use of his strength to become the skill of running grass, to catch up with the second king, to follow huaisu on his shoulder, and to express his ideas with calligraphy. His calligraphy insights are concise and profound. His strokes naturally emit courage and wisdom, with distinct intention and obvious theme.




Chen Yue's calligraphy skill embodies the real skill and temperament of a real calligrapher. He turns calligraphy skill into intangible experience. Writing calligraphy with a pen is also generating ink with his heart. He integrates all kinds of forms and feelings of mind into one, which is embodied in the ink. With the flexible and elegant lines, he directly collides with the thinking consciousness, showing the profound knowledge and the fire light of sensitivity. In the process of learning from the ancient times, he constantly used his real creativity to build a new framework and connotation for the aesthetic feeling of the calligraphy art in the era, and became a great model leading the new style of calligraphy.

All the books are full of wind and rain, and the strength of calligraphy is the same as that of heroes. It is inseparable from Chen Yue's calligraphy determination and talent to be able to achieve the power of carrying tripod in the forest of calligraphy art. The so-called fixed force is that the current book style is impetuous, there are many opportunists, and the book style is changeable and strange and popular. However, Chen Yue, who was not influenced by the custom, insisted on learning the old method and promoting the new one with the old method, and became one of the calligraphers who focused on the high ancient artistic conception of calligraphy.


所谓才力,他对碑帖有着天然能悟的艺术自然才华,属笔墨天才一派,嗜书法如命,凝神稍思可解帖学碑道,从甲骨到金石,真草隶篆收尽眼底,悉成心念,天才之功,让他的书法修炼能循法而成法外法,所以在高古笔质下,笔法总是纵横如舞变化万端的莫测,造奇显生动,依拙度机巧,字字险绝撼人,又平实而归,放纵与规矩并行,大势与精微成扣,古今往来,尽得师古而成新,大家之功,笔笔见实力! (著名书画评论家 史振华 )

The so-called talent, he has a natural understanding of the art of inscriptions and natural talent. He belongs to the group of pen and ink talents. He likes calligraphy as his life. He can study inscriptions and inscriptions with a little thought. From oracle bone to gold stone, he can see all the real grass, Li and Zhuan characters, and learn the skill of mind and genius. His calligraphy practice can follow the method and become the external method. Therefore, under the quality of Gao Gu's brush, the strokes are always unpredictable and unpredictable It's very vivid. It's ingenious according to its clumsiness. It's extremely dangerous. It's also plain and simple. It's indulgent and regular. It's powerful and subtle. It's ancient and modern. It's a new way to learn from the past. Everyone's skill and strength can be seen in writing (Shi Zhenhua, a famous critic of calligraphy and painting)













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